We firmly believe that establishing a baseline blueprint of this genetic code at an early stage in life, such as through umbilical cord blood draw, offers individuals greater opportunities to preserve their omic health. This data has the potential to unlock the door to enhanced, personalized healthcare optimization, which will only increase in importance as genetic technologies evolve.
Our organization is dedicated to developing foundational and proprietary methodologies that enable the integration of your genetic code into a secure database, facilitating analytics without ever compromising your personal identity or familial information. By amalgamating this valuable trove of individual data with diverse health metrics such as geographic location, family history, and dietary patterns, we aim to construct a comprehensive and intricate representation of your overall well-being.
In our pursuit, we envision a layered approach to data, wherein one’s health description encompasses routine annual physical diagnostics conducted by a medical professional, supplemented by yearly omic sequencing snapshots that establish correlations and provide valuable insights. By amalgamating these multifaceted data sources, we can work towards a more holistic understanding of individual health and well-being.
We believe that whole genomic testing will provide a wealth of data that goes beyond just testing for SNP’s.
Rather than analyzing a single gene, the EPIGENE aims to use genomic testing techniques that assess our patients’ health and wellness. While diagnostic testing of genes can rule out specific genetic diseases, EPIGENE genomic testing will go beyond providing a complete assessment of genetic mutations to determine whether our patients have genetic conditions and provide them with detailed information on their likeliness of developing or passing a genetic disorder.
The whole genome sequencing that the EPIGENE team seeks to perform provides nearly 3,000 times more genetic information than partial autosomal DNA technology since it analyzes data on all six billion base pairs of the human genome.
We believe the cost to sequence a human genome will continue to decrease over the next five years to a point that it will be affordable to obtain sequencing services regularly in order to assess mutagenic affects in specific cell lines of interest. Many current commercial genetic testing services on simply take saliva swabs and focus on analyzing SNPs. We believe there is far more data to be collected to derive more information for individualized health planning.
As full genome sequencing technology continues to become more efficient, we hope offer whole genome sequences at a fraction of the cost in years past. While this is great news for accessibility, it raises concerns of the emerging security risk surrounding genetic data that must be addressed.
By synthesizing genetic information from your whole genome sequence, lifestyle factors, health history, medications, and diet, we seek to offer a holistic understanding of your health through a report with personalized medical advice.
We hope to utilize the whole genome sequence to identify specific health risks and recommendations for disease prevention and early detection. Rather than providing a report without context outlining these risks, you will discuss them directly with a specialist that can help you interpret and understand the results.
We hope to discover solutions that consider your genetic factors, family history, and lifestyle while working hand-in-hand with doctors to help guide the best medication choices, dosages, and possible interactions to enhance the efficacy of treatment and minimize adverse effects.
By combining whole genome insights with a full spectrum of your health information, we hope to develop personalized lifestyle plans that include nutritional guidance, as well as exercise and wellness strategies. Once you discuss this comprehensive plan with a doctor, an implementation timeline would be formed, and our team would hold patients accountable with progress check appointments, where the efficacy of the lifestyle recommendations is evaluated and modifications are made as needed.
We hope to offer ongoing, lifelong monitoring of genetic risks found in DNA sequences and provide long-term care plans, including regular check-ins and support. We work directly with specialist medical practices, providing detailed information to assist their disease management care plans.
As more patients undergo whole genome sequencing, EPIGENE’s database and our team’s effectiveness at providing health insights will increase. The expanded dataset will enable the EPIGENE team to make more accurate correlations between specific genetic markers and various predispositions, improving diagnostic accuracy.
The EPIGENE team will not provide a DNA result report from your genome sequence. Instead, we seek to offer professional guidance and counseling sessions to help individuals and families digest and understand their results and make informed decisions based on their genetic information.
EPIGENE seeks to be a lifelong service. We hope to provide access to a team of healthcare professionals who can address concerns, answer questions, and provide ongoing assistance.
The processing and security of whole genome sequencing by the EPIGENE team will be handled in a closed-loop system, remaining entirely in-house and collected anonymously. Our data encryption system is powered by blockchain technology.